About page

Hello there world my name is Andrew. Most people call me Zim in the real world but I will go by Andrew as this is my real name. Zim is referring to my last name Zimmerman by the way. And no, I do not know who invader Zim is if anyone is wondering. Anyways this blog is going to be about the journey I have taken to get to where I am now. I’ll start with the basics and get into the nitty gritty later on. First off, I grew up outside of Chicago in a little town called Barrington. My best friend and I decided that we did not want to live there anymore after high school and we decided to move out to Arizona which is where I live now, specifically Tempe, Arizona. My best friend and I both knew that we were going to go to community college back home so we decided to take the community college route abroad all the way to the sunny state of Arizona and now I am here. That’s really the basic idea of how I came to be in Arizona and now currently go to Arizona State University. If you could characterize me as one thing, I am hard working. I love to be outside even though it is 115 degrees outside half the year. I work and go to school and that is what my life consists of most of the time. I have a loving girlfriend that I live with and have been with for 5 years about and it is almost time to put a ring on it and I can’t wait to do it!