Chat GPT and Baseball

While using chat GPT I learned that it did not give me the completely correct information that I was hoping to get as I have a pretty good understanding of both the minor league and professional baseball league. I asked chat GPT to give me a brief response in about 250 words on the differences between minor league and professional league baseball and it gave me a good response overall. It explained it in a very simple term and it was generally correct with all the information that it gave me. There were 3 things that were a bit concerning just because they were big things that were left out of the response. First off, they missed a level of competition in the minor league system that is very significant. I do not know if they were just running out of words or were just being more general about it, but missing one of those tiers in the minor league system is a large thing to miss when explaining them. The second was the fact that they said that the MLB was a part of just the United States alone. Not only does the MLB have a home stadium for one of their teams in Canada but the MLB hosts games in Japan as well. While Japan is not part of the MLB we do host games there and we have a professional league team home to Canada. I thought that was a pretty big mistake by the generator. Lastly, something that I do not feel is a huge deal because I only gave the generator 250 words to respond to this question, but how they said you can win just titles and championships. I just thought it was weird because baseball is so iconic that it is called a World Series title and not a championship and there are many other awards you can win besides just a title. I give chat GPT a 8/10 meaning that it gave the most general statement that it could while leaving out 2 important details for the more experienced in baseball knowledge. But for the general sense to someone that does not know a whole lot this would be a good response to someone like that.  I feel as though after this I can trust chat GPT a little bit but would have to try this experiment out with a few more knowledgeable things I know first to earn more of my trust.

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