My first love

The beginning of a new life started when I started my first job at a small pizza joint in urban Mesa/Gilbert, Arizona. The first time I walked into that small pizza joint there was a cute blonde that was standing over the counter taking an order for a customer at the counter.

I was the new pizza boy walking in, starting out as just a delivery boy. All the workers already knew that there was someone they knew starting, named Andrew (Me) as it was a small shop and all the people that were there working had been there for at least a year already.

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Not even one shift goes by and I am told by one of the other co-workers that the cute blonde girl behind the counter thought I was soooo cute apparently. After  hearing this, I was feeling very good about myself. I was thinking all the things most people would do when a really cute blonde girl is attracted to a man like me. How could she like me? She is so beautiful there is no way she likes me. What is her name? I need to talk to this girl like right now I thought. Normally I would not even make the first move but I guess she did instead which was wild to me. So I decided to make a bold move and grab her number from the work schedule and text her. After doing this it was game over and we never stopped talking from there on out. She is my world and I fell in love with her over and over again. I felt like I hit the jackpot. Not even 6 months of living in Arizona and I found the one. It was the beginning of a new life and I was just living in it.

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